Learning From The Edges
The world of work is full of friction. Departments work in silos. Work gets stuck. Teams find workplaces are not as easeful as they could or should be. And in all of this human beings are caught in the challenges, resulting in poor work, mental health worries and worse. As a research project, Learning From The Edges will look at the edges of work, where friction exists and explore what gets in the way of work and of learning. Why is there friction? How can work be more fruitful for organisations and people? What barriers do people have and what practical ways they can overcome those barriers? Join us with your thoughts on Twitter @LearningEdges or on our LinkedIn page.
Learning From The Edges
EP#29 Neurodivergence Friction For Good. With guest Mike Bedford.
This week we dive into the world of neurodiversity with our guest Mike Bedford. Did you know that 1 in 5 people have some form of neurodiversity?
When we think about neurodiversity in the workplace, are we doing enough to ensure people are included? Mike suggests there is no one size fits all and focusing on building strong relationships that build trust is important. Ask the tough questions to include individual needs. We need to empower people to have the conversations that will help us all to get the best performance possible.
Thanks to Mike for sharing his experiences and thought-provoking insight and practical ideas to encourage inclusion without exception.
As ever, if you want to further the conversation with our guest, please connect with Mike using the links below:
Mike Bedford linkedin.com/in/mikebedford
Mike's company website beebrilliantpeople.com
Mike's Bee Brilliant People podcast episode with Michelle Parry-Slater https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mike-bedford/episodes/Episode-13-Michelle-Parry-Slater-e1brtee/a-a7bm2ja
Learning from the Edges is hosted by Michelle Parry-Slater, Director, Kairos Modern Learning.
Michelle is the author of The Learning and Development Handbook - a practical guide for all professionals looking to offer effective, efficient, enjoyable and engaging people development, but not sure where to start. This book is full of practical tips and advice. Written by a practitioner for practitioners, this is urgent reading for anyone working in people development.
Join us with your thoughts on Twitter @LearningEdges and connect with Michelle on LinkedIn/michelleparryslater
Purchase your copy of The Learning and Development Handbook: thelndhandbook.com
Work with Kairos Modern Learning: kairosmodernlearning.co.uk
Podcast production by Liam Gardner Record and Repurpose